Saturday, January 5, 2013

Two problems of exchange of knowledge

The sharing of knowledge is an important step which must be done if we wish that the world be more and more sociable. In this mechanism we have the exchange of knowledge between Professor  students in the University as well as between the "scientists" (Professor and students) and the society in general.
Of course, there are problems in all countries about it, even that it be different one of another.

I post here two little articles about this subject and I hope that they can be usefull for someone. One of them is about the exchange of knowledge between the scientists and the society and the another one is about the transfer of knowledge from Professor of physics to students of physics.

The first article, named  How to not Teach Physics shows the exchange that I have cited first, and the second exchange being discussed in the article named Social Media for Scientists Part 1: It's Our Job.

The link for the articles can be seen below:  

Just as a comment, here in Brazil we have both problems deeply. The society in general does not care if you collide two protons at a accelerator or if you is capable of moving a metal arm with your mind. Of course, the magazines most popular are not doing their job right, what makes the situation worse.

By the other hand, we have good students of science in general, particulary in physics, but unfortunately they are not valued neither by companies nor government agencies.

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